Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Twenty-Six

I'm trying not to post too often. We've still got quite a bit of fuel for the generator, but I can already see us running out-- and I don't know what we'd do if we did. Besides, I spent nearly a whole day on this computer trying to crack open those files. I figure I may as well play it safe, especially since I'm not getting any responses here anyway.

I wish I knew how to try and find people myself. Most of the search engines I knew are down; there's no way to Google "people on the internet after the apocalypse."

I have to admit, when I started this journal, I had a wild fantasy that someone would respond right away, and we would be rescued, and maybe there was a cure and we could find my family and rescue them or save whoever was left.

Now it just seems obvious that at least in this part of the world everything is going to stay the same. I'm not as okay with that as I'd like, but I'm starting to live with it.

John thinks it might be safe to go outside again. It's been over two weeks since the eaters were here. If they didn't have a hunter with them, they are long gone and hopefully won't be back. He's itching to do something outdoors; maybe explore some of the other buildings in this complex. If we take all our guns, I might feel safe enough to do it.

If anyone is reading, I might not be on for a few days. But please, if you're seeing this, let us know you're out there.